In 2015, and starting from the AGM on 11th October 2014, the focus of BBEST will be community-driven action on the five Working Groups:
- Active travel corridors
- Green and open spaces
- BBEST retail district
- Sustainable and balanced communities
- Development and conservation
The emphasis of each group will be on consultation, gathering data and finding consensus from the varying views around the community. By 2016, we should be ready to draw together the Plan document for consultation, following which, there will be a referendum vote of all residents on the final Neighbourhood Plan, conducted by the Sheffield City Council. In preparation for this event, working groups will hold development and information meetings focused on the group theme to build consensus and prioritise ideas. Working groups will also gather data to provide a factual basis for our Neighbourhood Plan. The five groups will come together from time to time for meetings of the Coordinating Group (formerly the Steering Group) and for larger local events, like the Broomhill Festival.
Now is your chance to get your voice heard and to make a difference to your community’s future. Any member of the community is more than welcome to engage in the process.The policies we build into our Neighbourhood Plan will become official planning policy for our area if the plan is approved by referendum vote, so it is imperative that your local knowledge and views are incorporated at every step. BBEST welcomes all levels of participation, from comments relating to particular themes, to helping with one-off events, or becoming a regular contributor to a working group. There are lots of ways that you can help. If you are interested in promoting the social, economic, and environmental welfare of our area, why not join us as a member to keep abreast of what we are doing and get involved in the making of our Neighbourhood Plan. It is as easy as sending an email to us at