BBEST: next steps in the consultation process

First Public Consultation runs from 1 October 2018 to 11 November 2018. Everyone who lives or works in the BBEST area is invited to send their comments to the BBEST Team through the website [link back to consultation page] or by viewing the documents at Broomhill Community Library.
After the Consultation the BBEST Team will review comments, incorporate changes or give a rationale for not incorporating them, and the Draft Plan will be debated and should be signed off at the Forum meeting on 1st December 2018.  The resulting documents will be passed to Sheffield City Council and they will review the Plan and carry out a second public consultation.
Following that, a further stage is a review by an external assessor.
When the reviews are complete, and final documents produced, Sheffield City Council will organise a referendum of all residents of the BBEST area to decide whether the plan should be adopted.
If the Plan is adopted in the Referendum, it will become a part of the Sheffield City Plan and developers will be required to take account of the Policies in the Plan.
Of course, the Neighbourhood Planning process is about more than this!  The links which have been formed, the information which has been analysed and collected, the materials produced, the ideas debated and the skills identified will continue to benefit our community in years to come.