Daily archives: November 12, 2018

BBEST public consultation Closed

The BBEST public consultation closed on 11 November 2018.
Thank you for your interest in the consultation – we have received some interesting comments.
Next steps
The BBEST team are working hard to summarise your views.  The summary will be discussed at a meeting of the BBEST Steering Group on Monday 19th November.
Depending on the range of comments and the views of Steering Group,  the final version of the Plan documents will be presented for approval at the BBEST Forum meeting and AGM on Saturday 1st December. (details later).  This timetable is challenging, so a second date, Saturday 26 January, has been scheduled as a backup. (details later)
This is a very busy and exciting time for BBEST.  The adoption process will continue with assessment by Sheffield City Council (SCC) and an external examiner and a second consultation organised by the Council.  Full details or the process will be discussed at the meeting for approval of the documents to be forwarded to SCC.