Sheffield City Region Active Travel Map
The Transport consultation has now closed, but you can still comment on your travel experiences in the region on the Active Travel Map at:
The Transport consultation has now closed, but you can still comment on your travel experiences in the region on the Active Travel Map at:
The BBEST Forum meeting and AGM will take place on Saturday 30th November, 2019, 1500-1630, at the Broomhill Methodist Centre, Fulwood Road (next to Oxfam)
Find out the latest information about progress with the Plan, which has now been submitted to Sheffield City Council. We’ll be talking about the next steps, which include a second public consultation, this time organised by Sheffield City Council. Then, after further scrutiny by an external examiner, there will be a referendum of BBEST area residents.
There will be tea and cake, to help you through the AGM, and a discussion of the work on Active Travel being done under the auspices of the Mayor of the Sheffield City Region. Find out more here:
The original BBEST Neighbourhood Planning Forum ‘designation’ was for 5 years, to January 2020. In common with other Forums, it has taken BBEST longer than intended to prepare the Plan and send the documentation to Sheffield City Council. This means that we need to apply for ‘redesignation’ for another five years. If you wish to lend support for the redesignation, the link for the consultation, which runs from 31 October to 12 December 2019, is: