Our Broomhill Festival stall received a lot of attention and engaged residents from all over the BBEST area. Residents added what they liked and disliked about the area to the map along with ideas and opportunities for improvements at specific locations.
There were also surveys and voting on priorities for neighbourhood improvements. The results of the survey and mapping exercise are currently being collated and analysed. The results will be posted on the website once this process is compete.
It wasn’t just grown ups at the garden party. The kids also took part in a local knowledge quiz (won by Jamie L.) and produced some fantastic drawings of their houses and favourite local places.
On Sunday afternoon, the lecture by Prue Chiles from the University of Sheffield architecture department was also well received. Those who attended said they now look at Broomhill with a new appreciation for its architectural detail and craftsmanship. Following the lecture, there were also some great ideas tabled for our future neighbourhood plan during the group discussions.
Thanks again for making both of these events such a success!