Thanks to everyone who came to the Broomhill Festival and participated in the BBEST events. It was quite a success.
Moving forward, we have an action packed season coming up between September and November when we will be presenting the draft policies for our plan in a workshop and discussion format at the Broomhill Methodist Church (Next to Oxfam) on November 7th from 3-5:30pm. Please mark your diaries and ask all your neighbours to come. This will be a critical point for understanding the plan, making comment and incorporating any changes before we submit the plan for council review and external audit. We are counting on you to help spread the word about the importance of this event.
If you would like to get involved before November or just have a question, please get in touch at We are dedicated to making our neighbourhood plan a true reflection of our community’s vision for the future. To that end, we encourage everyone who lives or works in the BBEST area to participate.