BBEST Neighbourhood Plan submitted to Sheffield City Council – 12th August 2019

We are delighted to announce that this major stage in the development of the Neighbourhood Plan has been completed! 

Thank you for your all your help and support during the time since we began, in 2015.

You can view the documents which have been submitted on the BBEST website here.

What happens next?

The documents submitted to the Council will now follow the next stage of the Neighbourhood Planning process.  An outline of this process is given below.

(Full details can be found in the document here)

The Council has 6 weeks to review the documents to ensure that they meet the criteria.

The Council will then carry out it’s own consultation on the Plan – similar to the one BBEST  carried out in Autumn 2018.

Following the consultation, the Plan and all comments will go to an External Examiner.

The Examiner may recommend some changes and these would need to be accommodated in a final revision of the Plan.

A referendum, including all residents in the are who are on the electoral register, will then be carried out by the Council.

The question will be:
Do you want [insert name of local planning authority] to use the neighbourhood plan for [insert name of neighbourhood area] to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

If successful at referendum, a neighbourhood plan comes into force as part of the development plan for the area alongside the local plan. Local planning authorities and planning inspectors considering planning applications or appeals must make their decisions in accordance with the policies of the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 

So it’s still a long road, but with a following wind, we expect the referendum to take place later at some point in 2020.

Meanwhile, BBEST business goes on as usual! Come and celebrate with us and hear about the next stages in the process in more detail at The BBEST AGM and Forum meeting will take place on Saturday 30th November, 3-5pm, Fulwood Room, Beacon Methodist Church, Fulwood Road, Broomhill. 

More details later.

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