Interim Consultation Report

BBEST Consultation 1 October to 11 November 2018

Comments on the consultation were received from both residents and organisations.  Overall comments were positive and helpful, but with some less supportive comments on issues relation to future development.

The BBEST Team is working hard to evaluate the comments and make any necessary changes to the draft documents. This is a big task, and it will take us beyond the previously planned date for a meeting for the Forum to ‘sign off’ the final plan in January 2019.  We’ll get back to you on the timescale.

Over the next couple of months BBEST will meet with representatives of Sheffield City Council Planners (SCC) to iron out any remaining issues in the text, and a Forum meeting to ‘sign off’ the final documents will follow.  Following ‘sign off’ by the Forum BBEST will then present the final plan documents to Sheffield City Council where it will be reviewed and passed for examination by an external consultant. SCC will then carry out their own local consultation, followed by a referendum of residents to adopt the Plan.

Full details of the process can be found in this document:

In the meantime, BBEST supporters have requested that the original documents be made available on the website.  You can access these below, but please note that these documents are now out of date and will be replaced in due course by the final documents.