Active Travel Corridors Working Group

This BBEST strand seeks to identify issues related to the primary and most heavily used car, pedestrian, and cycle routes through our area.

Work has already begun to look at:

  • Mapping the primary routes through the BBEST area
  • Air quality problems –The major report on air quality, the ‘Air Quality Symposium’ is available to view)
  • How to improve the pedestrian environment
  • Issues of shared space
  • Alternative cycle and walking routes to investigate for improvement and/or designation


The group will evaluate this information and draw together recommendations to be included in the Neighbourhood Plan.


What are your views….?

  • Do you know of an alternative route that should be made ‘official’ for pedestrian or cycle use?
  • Do you have any personal issues with the air quality?
  • What do you think of shared space as a concept for Broomhill? (see Links and Resources tab for more info)

If you are interested in contributing to this Group, please contact: with the word TRAVEL in the subject line