Sustainable and Balanced Community

tug of war

The following documents underpin some key elements of this chapter in the Neighbourhood Plan



This BBEST strand seeks to identify imbalances in the socio-economic side of the BBEST area and to prioritise actions to stabilise these where possible.  Work has already begun to:

  • Document changes in demographics of the area through analysis of census data
  • Identify gaps in housing market provision, both in ownership and private rental housing
  • Survey households to document issues of tenure, housing quality, and ownership
  • Identify physical problems, like the prevalence of ‘To Let’ signs, poor maintenance of houses and gardens, bins and rubbish, overcrowding etc. that should be prioritised for improvement

The group will evaluate this information and draw together recommendations to be included in the Neighbourhood Plan.

What is your experience….?

  • Are you looking for a house to buy in the area but can’t find one you can afford?
  • Are you looking for a rental property that is not a student rental but can’t find one?
  • Would you like to be able to downsize, but can’t find a suitable property in the area?
  • Where do you think the balance of our community is off kilter?

We’d like to hear your story, your individual experience, and your opinions, so please get in touch.

If you are interested in contributing to this Group, please contact: with the word BALANCE in the subject line.