Upcoming BBEST AGM:
December 11th 2021 at 2:00pm
The BBEST AGM will be conducted by Zoom this year. Please email to request a link to join.
BBEST Referendum, May 6th 2021
The BBEST Neighbourhood Plan Referendum will take place with other local elections on 6 May, 2021The electorate for the referendum consists of all residents in the BBEST area, which includes Broomhill, Broomfield, Endcliffe, Summerfield, Tapton – voters will receive further information from Sheffield City Council.
The final version of the Plan document can be found on the Council Web pages at: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/planning-development/neighbourhood-planning – go down to ‘Broomhill, Broomfield, Endcliffe, Summerfield and Tapton Neighbourhood Plan’
The two most relevant papers are:
The BBEST Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version March 2021 (PDF, 1MB)
Supplementary material: The BBEST Neighbourhood Plan Policies Maps Referendum Version March 2021 (PDF, 4MB)
You can link directly to these papers at:
The Plan:
Policies and maps:
Protect public spaces, improve the quality of building, encourage different housing types and enhance the retail centre. Vote ‘YES’ in the BBEST referendum on 6 May 2021.
The BBEST Plan has now been submitted to Sheffield City Council, and the subsequent process is being monitored by a Steering Group of BBEST Officers and elected members of the Forum. Updates about progress and meetings are sent to Forum members by email. The AGM of the Forum is held towards the end of the year. Plan documents are here. http://bbest.org.uk/plan-documents-2019/
Meetings and Minutes
AGM Papers
2020 AGM Papers:
2019 AGM papers:
2018 AGM papers:
2017 AGM papers:
2016 AGM papers:
2015 AGM papers:
BBEST AGM Saturday November 7th 2015 – Summary of the event: here
- 7 November 2015: Development Meeting & AGM
- 7 November 2015: AGM Report
- 2015: Annual Report
2014 AGM papers:
BBEST AGM Saturday October 11th 2014 – Summary of the event: here
- Development event and AGM programme
- Autumn: BBEST-Newsletter
- October 2014: Annual Report
Minutes of BBEST meetings:
2019 Minutes:
2018 Minutes:
- 14 August 2018 BBEST workshop – planning for the BBEST Consultation
- 16 July 2018 BBEST SG 160718
2017 Minutes:
- 21 October 2017 Development Meeting Report
- 1 July 2017 Forum Meeting
- 5 June 2017 Steering Group meeting
- 27 March 2017 Steering Group Meeting
2016 Minutes:
- 19 November 2016: Development Meeting
- 14 May 2016: Forum meeting
- 1 February 2016: Steering Group Meeting
- 25 January 2016: Brief report of a meeting between BBEST and retailers
- 27 June 2016 Steering Group meeting
- 19 October 2016 Steering Group meeting
2015 Minutes:
- 23 September 2015: BBEST meeting with Friends of Crookesmoor Parks
- 22 September 2015: Development Meeting
- 28 April 2015: Consultation Meeting Green and Open Spaces
- 27 January 2015: Coordinating Group meeting
2014 Minutes:
- 28 October 2014: 141028 BBEST Coordinating Group minute
- 11 October 2014:2014 BBEST AGM Minutes
- 23 September 2014: SG 140923 minutes
- 26 August 2014: 140826 BBEST SG mins
- 22 July 2014: BBEST SG minutes_22jul14
- 24 June 2014: BBEST_minutes_24jun14
- 27 May 2014: BBEST_minutes_27may14_SG
- 22 April 2014: BBEST_minutes_22apr14
- 25 March 2014: BBEST_minutes_25march14
- 25 February 2014: BBEST_minutes_25feb14
- 14 January 2014: BBEST_minutes_14jan14
2013 Minutes:
- 10 December 2013: BBEST AGM 2013 minutes
As part of the process of creating a Neighbourhood Plan, BBEST has started to gather facts about our area to help us understand what opportunities, challenges, and priorities we have. This ‘evidence base’ will be used to support what eventually goes into our plan. This is an ongoing process that will take into account various surveys and studies that we conduct during this process as well as any relevant previous studies and the opinions of all those who have participated directly or indirectly with BBEST.
The files below cover some evidence that is relevant throughout the Plan, for evidence that is specific to a BBEST theme please see the individual theme sections on this website.
- 09b_Broomhill_Ward_Action_Plan_-_15Jul10
- Broomhill_Air_Quality_Symposium_Report
- Broomhill_travel_corridor_strategy_Lintern – Student project by Matthew Lintern of the University of Sheffield, 2014
- Ecological Opportunities and Constraints: Whitham Road Synthetic Sports Pitches – Review of Ecological opportunities for a key open space in the BBEST area, 2016